3D Travel Blogs
The solution to your holiday blues? Plan a Trip!
Next year, we'll be headed somewhere for Christmas and New Year's ....but where? Join me as I price and compare my options. Help me decide! For the first time, we CAN plan a trip and we sure have plenty of reasons to get away. We'll take our traditions with us. But, where or where should we go? Let's figure it out together!
Last week, I wrote the 3D Travel Team a letter & received notes of encouragement for many days as different team members heard something that resonated. Even our wonderful Charlene took time to tell me she thought it was relevant enough to send out every 6 months, as we're all in different stages of success and need to hear it again. Perhaps you need to hear this, too?
We heard it was the best club level option in Anaheim, and with the name "E Ticket Club" the Disneyland Hotel set our expectations high. We've stayed at nearly club level on both coasts, in most chains and even at Universal. Thankfully, our expectations were met & even exceeded during our recent visit to the Happiest Place on Earth.
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