3D Travel Blogs

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It's a Small World Nursery


When planning a cruise vacation, the idea of bringing toddlers can be slightly nerve-racking.  As parents, our biggest concerns are their safety and making sure they are having a great time.  When we sailed on the Disney Fantasy, we made sure Kat and Scott (who were 2 and 1 at the time) had plenty of reservations for It's a Small World Nursery. This was the best decision we could have made, both for the kids and for my husband and I as well.  This is what we thought about It's a Small World Nursery!

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The Top 10 Toddler Activities at Magic Kingdom


​Let's be honest for a minute; Magic Kingdom is the perfect park for toddlers.  Aside from a few select rides, there's not much they can't do.  It's the perfect place for toddlers to experience the magic of Disney, and for adults to find their inner child again.  So in no particular order, these are my family's top 10 activities for little ones at the Magic Kingdom.

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Travel Goals


​​​Beyond the ordinary everyday life we all lead is an opportunity to grow as a person, think deeper thoughts and broaden our ability to love. We have the chance to go beyond merely tolerating our fellow man. We can appreciate, care for and be the person we are meant to be. All this self-potential can be discovered when we follow our yearning to see the world for more of what it is, instead of what the media may tell us. All we need to do is travel. We need to touch, taste, feel the world for what it is before we can see it. Are you ready?

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Wait? Travel Agents Still Exist?!


​"So. What do you do?"
"Me? I help busy families save time & money. I inspire, hope with and plan for adventures of a lifetime. I make dreams come true."
"Wow! How do you do that?"
"Let me tell you........."

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The Top 10 Toddler Activities at Disney California Adventure


Directly across from Disneyland is Disney California Adventure.  Since opening in February of 2001, this park is full of activities to entertain your little ones.  We had a blast exploring the park, so of course I took notes on Kat and Scott's  favorites.  So here are our family's top 10 toddler activities for Disney California Adventure!

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