3D Travel Blogs

Get to know the 3D Travel Team, what we do, the incredible destinations we sell and so much more!

Just Add Water? Do I WANT an Instant Travel Agent?


​Just how easy IS it to become a travel agent? Well, if you want to be an INSTANT Travel Agent, it's easy. But, if you want to be GOOD, it's extremely hard!

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Boarding a Disney Ship


​This is the ACTUAL VIEW you see when you enter the Disney Dream, a picture I took on my cruise last month. Absolutely gorgeous, right? But that's not even the best part. As you enter the ship, different Disney Cruise Line Crew members will greet you, take your name and proclaim you - YOU - have entered the ship. It's totally Downton Abbey style & It could only be better if Mr. Carson was doing it.

But I digress. 

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The Heart of 3D Travel Company


This article was published in 2011, when 3D had just celebrated a 5 year anniversary. How things have grown!

When I began 3D Travel Company I did it with three goals. They were so simple and I worried if I didn't define them early on I might lose sight of them. What were they? 

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Keeping Your Kids Safe on a Cruise


I published this article on our old website and recently had requests to publish it again. I hope it continues to help parents make good decisions for their kids!

Yesterday a horrible thing happened, as a man was arrested when the Disney Dream docked. He was arrested for allegedly assaulting a 13 year old child aboard the ship, and he was a cast member.

Last week, a wonderful things happened, as Disney Cruise Line made the choice to immediately believe the child who made the report, fire the alleged pedophile, turn him in and issue a statement. Karl Holz, I knew I liked you, I knew I admired you. Now you're one of my heroes. 

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Gluten Free at the Epcot World Showcase!

​For 8 years the Scott family has traveled extensively after being diagnosed with Celiac Disease. We've spent countless happy hours dining Table Service, Quick Service, frequent Snacks and during special events at Epcot and we have formed definite opinions on the best (and worst!) places to dine. Do you dine gluten free, too? Here is what we recommend for Epcot's World Showcase!*

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