An Inside Look at all things 3D Travel

From the viewpoint of owner, Carol-Beth Scott

Countdown to an Epic 3 Week Girls Trip with Hannah & CB!


"​Wow. Your daughter is LOUD!"
"Hannah sure does have a lot of personality, doesn't she?"
"You guys must laugh ALL the time!" 
These are three true statements about my 15 year old daughter & I can't wait to take our crazy/fun show on the road. Who knows what will happen?

We're leaving from Texas in a week, for our very first road trip! We're heading to Florida, to board the Disney Dream. When we hop off, we'll be at Universal Orlando Resort for a week, then we hop around Walt Disney World, back to Universal Orlando Resort, and then while CB is at some amazing events, Hannah will get some serious BFF time, all before we head back home in Texas. 

Along the way, we'll be posting all over social media with the hashtag #3DEpicGirlsTrip. Follow us and play along with the crazy, awesome fun.

And if you catch us LIVE on social media, you could win a prize right then and there! We'll be doing drawings, where we immediately ship different items we get along the way. We're starting with Buc-ees! Beaver Nuggets, anyone? 

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